No Going Back - Hove Beach Huts

From Brighton and Hove News:

Climate activists held a socially distanced protest by the Hove beach huts on Saturday to call for more say in how the country recovers from the coronavirus pandemic.

Extinction Rebellion Brighton is calling for a citizens’ assembly to decide how to restructure the economy, and says the majority of the public believes addressing the climate crisis must be at the forefront of government policies.

Activists stood in silence for an hour, three metres apart, in front of the beach huts.

They held signs which said Decide together, No going back, Profit or people? and New Roads or new bike lanes?.

An Extinction Rebellion Brighton spokesperson said: “We are at a turning point in human history. The Government is driving a return to ‘normal’ as quickly as possible. But ‘normal’ is killing us.

“Our Government has a choice: prioritise profit or prioritise health. Bailout destructive industries or bailout people and the planet. Mass extinction or mass participation.

Read more @ Brighton and Hove News
Read more @ The Argus

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